
Tuesday 10 November 2015


Living life inevitably brings along stressful situations whether caused by a major life change: moving house, a loved ones illness or death, relationship strains. Stress can also be caused by problems at work. pressure in sport and health concerns.

Stress sends messages to the autonomic nervous system in our bodies. This part of the nervous system is not under our conscious control and is divided into two parts: the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic. 

The Sympathetic Nervous System when activated by stress increases the heart rate, speeds breathing, secretes adrenaline and decreases digestion,  Stress is necessary and normal but continued strain on your body from chronic stress may lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorder, and other illnesses.

The counterbalance to stress is the activation of the parasympathetic fibers of the "rest and rejuvenation"  nervous system. as these fibers become active the heart rate decreases, the breath rate decreases and digestion increases.

Living life inevitably brings along stressful situations whether caused by a major life change: moving house, a loved one's illness or death, relationship strains. Stress can also be caused by problems at work. pressure in sport and health concerns.

Stress sends messages to the autonomic nervous system in our bodies. This part of the nervous system is not under our conscious control and is divided into two parts: the Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic.

The Sympathetic Nervous System when activated by stress increases the heart rate, speeds breathing, secretes adrenaline and decreases digestion, . Stress is necessary and normal but continued strain on your body from chronic stress may lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorder, and other illnesses.

The counterbalance to stress is the activation of the parasympathetic fibers of the "rest and rejuvenation"  nervous system. as these fibers become active the heart rate decreases, the breath rate decreases and digestion increases. 

Take time to get these two parts of your body's nervous system back  into balance

Here are 10 things you can do to help reduce stress levels.

1. Take time out to sit down and think about what is causing you to feel stressed, in some cases it may be obvious but often you can convince yourself that something is not a problem when it actually is.

2. Assess signs of your body's response to stress, you may have difficulty sleeping, your alcohol intake may have increased along with substance use, Are you easily angered? Do you feel depressed, and having low energy. If you are a woman you're periods may be affected. Do you have muscular pain? Becoming self aware of the negative impacts of stress on your body may motivate you to take steps to change things

3. Unaddressed health concerns can raise stress levels, if you are worried about your health make time to see proper health care for existing or new health problems

4. While you are in a state of stress overload learn to say NO to new task. Look at your to do list and put in order of priority.  Decide what must get done and what can wait.  getting the list out of your head and on to paper may help relax your mind.

5. Set realistic goals to aim for to accomplish tasks, not too many in one day. Note what you have accomplished at the end of the day, not what you have been unable to do.

6. Make time for you, plan regular times for health and relaxation. Include focused mind and body classes such as yoga or tai chi.

7. For a practical reduction of stress levels get a massage. Massage provided with medium pressure has been shown to increases parasympathetic nerve response helping to restore balance between the two systems.

8. Exercise regularly-just 30 minutes per day of gentle walking can help boost mood and reduce stress.

9. Talk about it: communicate with people who can provide emotional and other support. Ask for help from friends, family, work colleagues and any relevant community organisation  to help reduce stress due to work burdens or family issues, such as caring for a loved one.

10. Stress can cause feeling of being overwhelmed, of not being able to cope, possibly having suicidal thoughts, it may lead to using drugs or alcohol as a false support. If you are having these feeling it is important to seek help from a qualified mental health care provider.

Stress can be reduce and body balance restored, the benefits are well worth the efforts involved.